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Estate Law

By Kate Halligan

The Corporate Transparency Act

This article explains what the Corporate Transparency Act is as well as what entities and beneficial owners need to know to comply with reporting requirements.
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By Kate Halligan

Optimize your Money: The Maximum Value Date for Intended Inheritance

Under a distribution scheme like the example above, your children will not receive their intended inheritance until your death, meaning most children receive when they are approximately 55 years old. By that time, your children are at a stage of their life where the money will not be as impactful, or they cannot use it to optimize their life in the way they could have when they were 30 years old.
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By Kate Halligan

The Estate of Anne Heche & Electronic Wills

In the Estate of Anne Heche, the Los Angeles County Superior Court was presented with the question of whether it would consider an email a will despite California’s lack of legislation validating an electronic will.
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By Kate Halligan

New Bill aims to Protect Vulnerable Adults from Isolation

Since its adoption in 1982, the Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Elder Abuse Act”), has been continually expanded by the Legislature. Effective January 1, 2023, the Elder Abuse Act will include California Assembly Bill 1243 (AB 1243). Under AB 1243, two expansions will be made to protect elders and dependent adults: (1) interested parties may seek anti-isolation restraining orders and, (2) courts may review the propriety of “specific debts” to determine whether they are the product of elder abuse.
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